
Campingbeach Ossiacher See Annenheim | Element 4


We would like to welcome you to our campsite and hope that your vacation days with us will be to your satisfaction. We would like to draw your attention to some points of our camping regulations and ask you to comply with them in the interest of all. A prerequisite for access to the campsite is to fully accept and comply with these regulations. They may be supplemented by other rules at the discretion of the management in order to improve the functioning of the campsite and/or the safety of the guests. The campsite staff is obliged to ensure compliance with these rules and to report any violations to the management. Non-compliance with the rules by visitors to the campsite may result in expulsion from the campsite.
1) Open­ing hours camp­site, office, night rest, gen­er­al terms and con­di­tions
The camp­site is open dai­ly from 7:00 to 22:00. Our office is staffed at the fol­low­ing times: in the ear­ly and late sea­son from 07:00 to 21:00 and in the high sea­son from 07:00 to 22:00. From 22:00 to 7:00 we have night rest. We kind­ly ask you to com­ply with these times, as fail­ure to do so will result in a com­plaint and imme­di­ate expul­sion from the camp­site. The price list and the gen­er­al terms and con­di­tions are part of the reg­u­la­tions.
Des­ig­nat­ed camp­ing spaces for cars, tents or car­a­vans must be strict­ly adhered to, where­by the white marked bound­aries may not be exceed­ed under any cir­cum­stances, as oth­er­wise we will have to charge you for the impaired pitch. The camp­ing space is only valid for one tent or car­a­van and one car. For each addi­tion­al unit (sec­ond car, children’s tent, etc.) with which you wish to use the pitch, the applic­a­ble fees apply. One camp­ing space price includes one camper and one awning and, if applic­a­ble, one tow­ing vehi­cle. An addi­tion­al sheet may not be placed in front of the awning. A weed fleece/plastic tar­pau­lin or the like is pro­hib­it­ed on the entire site; only an envi­ron­men­tal­ly friend­ly lawn fab­ric with an offene struc­ture may be laid on the lawn. The fab­ric must be per­me­able to air and water. Please note: there must be space between the units for unhin­dered pas­sage! Your camp­ing space must be paid for and vacat­ed by 12:00 noon on the day of depar­ture at the lat­est; in the event of late depar­ture, you will be charged for the fol­low­ing day. For spe­cial pitch­es, 1st, 2nd and 3rd row towards the lake, a sep­a­rate price reg­u­la­tion applies.
Boats may not be launched into the water or used in our swim­ming area. Pro­hib­it­ed are: Han­dling offen fires (camp­fires etc.), dig­ging moats and wash­ing cars on the camp­site. We have a dog ban!!!
Please keep the camp­site clean. Garbage must be deposit­ed in the bins pro­vid­ed. Please sep­a­rate your garbage. Seri­ous vio­la­tions may result in expul­sion and a clean­ing fee. Please take care of the camp­site facil­i­ties. Mali­cious or gross­ly neg­li­gent dam­age will result in a police report. Before leav­ing the camp­site, guests must clean up the areas they have occu­pied and leave them in the same con­di­tion in which they found them. Wash­ing dish­es and laun­dry is only per­mit­ted in the spec­i­fied areas.
Campers may only erect and/or install pri­vate devices after accep­tance and approval by the man­age­ment. It is strict­ly for­bid­den to leave devices con­nect­ed to the pow­er sup­ply unat­tend­ed on the allo­cat­ed pitch. In such cas­es, the guest is liable under civ­il and crim­i­nal lia­bil­i­ty for any dam­age, mate­r­i­al or oth­er­wise, caused by neg­li­gent behav­ior. Camp­ing guests must indi­cate on arrival whether they are accom­pa­nied by per­sons who are leav­ing before­hand so that they can be reg­is­tered and billed sep­a­rate­ly. All campers are respon­si­ble for the safe­keep­ing of their own prop­er­ty. The man­age­ment there­fore accepts no respon­si­bil­i­ty or lia­bil­i­ty for dam­age to items belong­ing to campers if they have not been prop­er­ly stored. The man­age­ment also declines all respon­si­bil­i­ty and lia­bil­i­ty for acci­dents or inci­dents that occur on the camp­site due to the neg­li­gence, inex­pe­ri­ence or fault of campers. If lost items are found on the camp­site, they must be hand­ed in to the man­age­ment.

If you wish to receive vis­i­tors, please inform the recep­tion. Vis­i­tors must pur­chase a visitor’s card, as they share the camp­site facil­i­ties. Vis­i­tors in cars are not allowed on the site. Please under­stand this.


Minors may only enter the camp­site if accom­pa­nied by their par­ents. Chil­dren must be accom­pa­nied at all times when using the equip­ment, vis­it­ing the toi­lets and play­ing in the play­ground. How­ev­er, the use of equip­ment and facil­i­ties by minors is always at their own risk and the respon­si­bil­i­ty of their parents/guardians or accom­pa­ny­ing per­sons.

In the event of vio­la­tions, a ban from the site will be issued or €250 will be charged for gross soil­ing.

Near­est doc­tor:

Dr. Müller-Git­tler, Treffen, Kirch­steig 4, Tel.: 04248/ 2298;

Dr. Antje Ertl, Annen­heim at the nurs­ing home /

Bil­la, Tel.: 04248/2056

Res­cue: 144

Med­ical emer­gency num­ber: 141

Near­est police sta­tion: 9520 Sat­ten­dorf,

Police emer­gency num­ber 133

On behalf of the entire team, we wish you a pleas­ant stay at Camp­ing Annen­heim, Philipp Schus­ter — Man­ag­ing Direc­tor

9520 Annen­heim — Carinthia, Seeufer­straße 109

T: +43 4248 2757 F: +43 4248 2757 57